About Us
Noble Trails is a 501c3 non-profit organization, dedicated to improving the quality of life for residents of Noble County through trail development.
Lynn Spidel works to clear a section of the Fishing Line Trail.
Why Noble Trails?
All across the country, people head out to their neighborhood trails to get exercise, a breath of fresh air, and relax. Their communities have realized the benefits of trails, and have worked hard to develop their trail systems to provide their friend and family:
Safe routes to travel from their homes to favorite destinations.
Free-to-use exercise facilities that help address the increasing epidemic of our sedentary lifestyle, such as obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
Nature corridors that promote wildlife and conserve green space.
Destinations for tourism and economic development.
Amenities that improve property values.
A group of residents of Noble County asked "Why shouldn't we be able to do that?" So, in 2010, Noble Trails was conceived.
While this effort was spearheaded by a small group of community leaders, they knew that this effort could not depend on their work alone. The support and dedication of residents throughout Noble County will be required to make our ultimate vision a reality.
So, we are asking for your support. Help us make our community a better place. Support trails. Support Noble Trails.
Contact Us
Whether you want to drop us a note about how much you like the trail, have a suggestion to make, or want to express to us a concern, we would love to hear from you.
Leave us a message.
Send us an e-mail.